モデル名}によって生成されたFLUX AIイメージ

The sound hits first — the wet rip of lead into sand, the concussive thud of muskets loosing volley after volley. As the screen brightens in a burst of powder-light, the camera tilts from ground-level upward, revealing the chaos. A man steps into the frame, half-lit by fire, musket in hand. He doesn’t run. He walks forward — straight into the falling grit. “🔥 The sky turns red, the earth is torn.” Behind him, they come. Sprinting, crouched, screaming. Not in panic — in fury. The horizon flashes with white fire as palms vanish into black plumes. The jungle coughs ash. A second blast rips the beach, throwing men backward. Still they rise. Still they run. The camera spins, disoriented, then cuts to a wide shot: men pouring from the tree line in retreat — and others storming forward to meet them. Bodies drop. Others press in. No one calls a retreat. There’s nowhere left to retreat to. The rifleman doesn’t flinch. He lifts his barrel toward the smoke. He knows what’s coming next.