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Flux AI Pricing

Basic Yearly

Billed $83.9 yearly
  • 1200 credits / month
  • 60 FLUX.1 [Pro] generations
  • All models access
  • Private generation
  • Prompt optimization tools
  • Commercial License
  • Priority support
Most Popular

Pro Yearly

Billed $209.9 yearly
  • 4000 credits / month
  • 200 FLUX.1 [Pro] generations
  • All models access
  • Private generation
  • Advanced prompt optimization
  • Commercial License
  • Priority support

Premium Yearly

Billed $419.9 yearly
  • 10000 credits / month
  • 500 FLUX.1 [Pro] generations
  • All models access
  • Private generation
  • Advanced prompt optimization
  • Commercial License
  • Priority support

One-Time Purchase Options

Hobby Plan

  • 500 credits
  • Valid for 1 month
  • 50 FLUX.1 [Dev] generations
  • 25 FLUX.1 [Pro] generations
  • Access to advanced models
  • Private generation
  • Prompt optimization tools
  • Commercial License
  • Priority support

Starter Plan

  • 1200 credits
  • Valid for 1 month
  • 120 FLUX.1 [Dev] generations
  • 60 FLUX.1 [Pro] generations
  • Access to advanced models
  • Private generation
  • Prompt optimization tools
  • Commercial License
  • Priority support
Best Value

Pro Plan

  • 3600 credits
  • Valid for 3 months
  • 360 FLUX.1 [Dev] generations
  • 180 FLUX.1 [Pro] generations
  • Access to advanced models
  • Private generation
  • Prompt optimization tools
  • Commercial License
  • Priority support

Free Plan

100 credits
Valid for 1 month
100 [Schnell] generations
10 FLUX.1 [Dev] generations
Access to basic models
Private generation
Prompt optimization tools
Commercial License
Priority support
For any inquiries or assistance, please contact at[email protected]

Flux AI Pricing FAQs

Can I purchase credit packs if I have a subscription plan?

Yes, you can. Subscription credits and credit pack credits are tracked separately with different expiration times. You can have one active subscription and purchase unlimited one-time credit packs.

Do subscription plan credits expire monthly?

Yes, subscription plan credits expire monthly, similar to free plan credits. Unused credits don't carry over to the next month.

How long do credit pack credits last?

Credit pack expiration varies, typically 1-3 months. Purchasing a new credit pack refreshes the expiration date for all remaining credits. For example, if you have 500 credits expiring in a week and buy a 1200-credit Starter Plan, you'll have 1700 credits expiring in one month.

Where can I view my current credits and subscription?

You can check your credits and subscription status on the 'My Credits' page.

Can I get a refund for unused credits?

Generally, purchased credits are non-refundable. For exceptional cases like credit card fraud, contact us via email. We'll do our best to assist you. Please refer to our refund policy for more details.

Can I upgrade or downgrade my subscription plan?

We currently don't support direct plan changes. To switch plans, cancel your current subscription and resubscribe to the desired plan after the current one expires.